Daniel Quathamer
11 months ago
14 changed files with 589 additions and 19 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ |
24570^Ausgabetabelle^200^0^0^100^150^1^sql^30^1^1^<<SQL>> select 'stud_hs1','Studierende im 1. Hochschulsemester' from xdummy\ |
union select 'stud_rsz2','Studierende in RSZ +2 ' from xdummy\ |
union select 'absolv','Erfolgreiche Prüfungen' from xdummy\ |
order by 1^ ^<<SQL>> select 'stud_hs1','Studierende im 1. Hochschulsemester' from xdummy^ |
24571^Jahr von^1^300^-1^170^150^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> SELECT ord,name from aggregierung\ |
where kategorie='KENN-Jahr'\ |
order by 1 desc^ ^<<SQL>> SELECT ord,name from aggregierung\ |
where kategorie='KENN-Jahr' and ord=year(today())-1^ |
24572^Spalten^400^0^0^100^200^1^sql^30^1^1^<<SQL>> select 'hs_nr','Hochschulen' from xdummy \ |
union select 'jahr','Jahr' from xdummy\ |
union select 'fgr','Fächergruppen' from xdummy \ |
union select 'abgrp','Abschlussgruppen' from xdummy \ |
order by 2;^ ^<<SQL>> select 'fgr','Fächergruppen' from xdummy^ |
24573^Abschluss^14^0^0^100^200^5^char^30^0^13^<<SQL>> select astat, dtxt from kenn_abschl_astat where struktur_c='Abschluss (amtlich)' order by 2;^ ^ ^ |
24574^Gewichtung^100^0^0^100^10^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select 1,'Ja' from xdummy union select 0,'Nein' from xdummy^ ^<<SQL>> select 0,'Nein' from xdummy^ |
24575^Spaltenvisualisierung^500^0^0^100^10^1^char^30^0^1^<<SQL>> select '_graph','Balken (horiz. linksb.)' from xdummy\ |
union select '_sparkbar','Balkendiagramm' from xdummy\ |
where 0 < (select count(*) from sx_stylesheets where filename='tabelle_html_viz.xsl')\ |
union select '_sparkline','Liniendiagramm' from xdummy\ |
where 0 < (select count(*) from sx_stylesheets where filename='tabelle_html_viz.xsl')^ ^ ^ |
24577^Staatsangehörigkeit^11^0^0^100^120^1^sql^30^0^1^<<SQL>> --Freemarker Template\ |
<sqlvars>\ |
<sqlvar name="sos_staat_eu_exists">\ |
select sp_table_exists('sos_staat_eu') from xdummy;\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
</sqlvars>\ |
select 'A','Alle ohne Deutschland' from xdummy\ |
union select 'I','Deutsch' from xdummy \ |
<#if sos_staat_eu_exists==1>\ |
union select 'EU','EU-Ausländer' from xdummy union select 'NEU','Nicht-EU-Ausländer' from xdummy\ |
</#if>\ |
order by 2;^ ^ ^ |
24578^Zeilen^300^300^-1^170^150^1^sql^30^1^1^<<SQL>>select 'hs_nr','Hochschulen' from xdummy \ |
union select 'jahr','Jahr' from xdummy\ |
union select 'fgr','Fächergruppen' from xdummy \ |
union select 'abgrp','Abschlussgruppen' from xdummy \ |
order by 2;^ ^<<SQL>> select 'hs_nr','Hochschulen' from xdummy ;^ |
24579^Hochschule^0^0^0^100^150^1^char^30^0^12^<<SQL>> select tid, type, name from sichten where art in('KENN-Kostenstellen-Sicht','KENN-Hochschulen-Sicht') order by sortnr, name;^ ^ ^ |
24581^Jahr bis^5^0^0^100^70^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> SELECT ord,name from aggregierung\ |
where kategorie='KENN-Jahr'\ |
order by 1 desc^ ^<<SQL>> SELECT ord,name from aggregierung\ |
where kategorie='KENN-Jahr' and ord=year(today())-1^ |
24583^Geschlecht^13^300^-1^170^100^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> SELECT apnr,druck FROM kenn_geschl order by 2^ ^ ^ |
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ |
24570^24570^ |
24570^24571^ |
24570^24572^ |
24570^24573^ |
24570^24574^ |
24570^24575^ |
24570^24577^ |
24570^24578^ |
24570^24579^ |
24570^24581^ |
24570^24583^ |
@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ |
24570^ZSL-Mittelverteilung (Teiltabelle)^--(c) 2023 Jutta Otten jutta.otten@verwaltung.uni-stuttgart.de & D.Quathamer\ |
--Freemarker Template\ |
<#include "SQL_lingua_franca"/>\ |
<#include "SuperX_general"/>\ |
<sqlvars>\ |
<sqlvar name="jahr" type="hashsequence"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT ord as key,name from aggregierung\ |
where kategorie='KENN-Jahr'\ |
/* and ord >= <<Jahr von>> */\ |
/* and ord <= <<Jahr bis>> */\ |
order by 1\ |
;\ |
]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="hs_nr" type="hashsequence"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT hs_nr as key,name from kenn_hochschulen\ |
where hs_nr::char(10) in <@printkeys .vars["Hochschule"].allNeededKeys />\ |
and traegerschaft='ST'\ |
order by 2\ |
;\ |
]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="fgr" type="hashsequence"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT apnr as key,drucktext as name from kenn_dim_fgr\ |
where fg_studierende is not null\ |
order by 2\ |
;\ |
]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="abgrp" type="hashsequence"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT 'BA'::char(2) as key,'Bachelor'::varchar(255) as name from xdummy\ |
union\ |
SELECT 'MA','Master' from xdummy\ |
union\ |
SELECT 'ST','Staatsexamen' from xdummy\ |
order by 1\ |
;\ |
]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
</sqlvars>\ |
<#assign fact_table="kenn_stg_aggr_astat" />\ |
<#assign fact_filter="1=1" />\ |
<#assign semesterfeld="sem_rueck_beur_ein" />\ |
<#assign aggrfunction="sum(summe)" />\ |
<#assign aggrcoltype="integer" />\ |
\ |
<#assign graph_col_summe= "" />\ |
<#assign graph_col= "col" />\ |
/* <#assign graph_col=<<Spaltenvisualisierung>> /> */\ |
<#if graph_col=="_graph">\ |
<#assign graph_col_summe= "|" />\ |
</#if>\ |
\ |
<#if "<<Gewichtung>>"=="1">\ |
<#assign aggrcoltype="float" />\ |
<#assign aggrfunction="sum(summe::"+aggrcoltype+"*faktor)" />\ |
</#if>\ |
\ |
<#if "<<Ausgabetabelle>>" == "stud_hs1" >\ |
<#assign jahrfeld="akad_jahr_anf" />\ |
<#assign semesterfilter="substring('' || S.tid from 5 for 1) in ('1','2')" />\ |
<#assign fact_filter=fact_filter + " and kz_rueck_beur_ein < 4" /> -- ohne exmatr., ohne beurlaubten\ |
<#assign fact_filter=fact_filter + " and studiengang_nr = 1 and fach_nr = 1" /> -- Kopf mit 1. Studiengang, 1. Fach\ |
<#assign fact_filter=fact_filter + " and hssem = 1" /> -- 1. HS-Sem.\ |
<#elseif "<<Ausgabetabelle>>" == "stud_rsz2" >\ |
<#assign jahrfeld="val(substring('' || S.tid from 1 for 4))" />\ |
<#assign semesterfilter="substring('' || S.tid from 5 for 1)='2'" />\ |
<#assign fact_filter=fact_filter + " and kz_rueck_beur_ein < 4" /> -- ohne exmatr., ohne beurlaubten\ |
<#assign fact_filter=fact_filter + " and studiengang_nr = 1 and fach_nr = 1" /> -- Kopf mit 1. Studiengang, 1. Fach\ |
<#assign fact_filter=fact_filter + " and coalesce(fach_sem_zahl,0) < regel+3" /> -- in RSZ +2\ |
<#elseif "<<Ausgabetabelle>>" == "absolv" >\ |
<#assign fact_table="kenn_lab_aggr_astat" />\ |
<#assign jahrfeld="akad_jahr_absolv" />\ |
<#assign semesterfeld="sem_der_pruefung" />\ |
<#assign semesterfilter="substring('' || S.tid from 5 for 1) in ('1','2')" />\ |
<#assign fact_filter=fact_filter + " and studiengang_nr = 1 and fach_nr = 1" /> -- Kopf mit 1. Studiengang, 1. Fach?\ |
<#assign fact_filter=fact_filter + " and pruefung_ergebnis <> 2" /> -- nur erfolgreiche Prüfungen\ |
</#if>\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
\ |
<#assign staat_filter="1=1" />\ |
<#if "<<Staatsangehörigkeit>>"="I">\ |
<#assign staat_filter="ca12_staat=0" />\ |
<#elseif "<<Staatsangehörigkeit>>"="A">\ |
<#assign staat_filter="ca12_staat!=0" />\ |
<#elseif "<<Staatsangehörigkeit>>"="EU">\ |
<#assign staat_filter="ca12_staat !=0 and 0 <(select count(*) from sos_staat_eu E where val(E.astat)=ca12_staat and "+semesterfeld+" between E.semester_von and E.semester_bis and EU='J') " />\ |
<#elseif "<<Staatsangehörigkeit>>"="NEU">\ |
<#assign staat_filter="0 <(select count(*) from sos_staat_eu E where val(E.astat)=ca12_staat and "+semesterfeld+" between E.semester_von and E.semester_bis and EU='N') " />\ |
</#if>\ |
\ |
<#assign fieldclause=jahrfeld+" as jahr,hs_nr,hzbart_astat,ca12_staat,fgr,abgrp,"+aggrfunction + " as summe" />\ |
<#assign fromclause="kenn_semester S, "+fact_table +" inner join kenn_zsl_ausgleich_kennungen Z on (concat (substring(stufrm from 1 for 1),abschluss)=Z.astat and kennung_<<Ausgabetabelle>>=1) " />\ |
\ |
<#assign whereclause="S.tid="+semesterfeld+" and " + semesterfilter+" and "+ fact_filter />\ |
<#assign whereclause=whereclause+ " and " + jahrfeld+ " >= <<Jahr von>>" />\ |
<#assign whereclause=whereclause+ " and " + jahrfeld+ " <= <<Jahr bis>>" />\ |
\ |
--Default: Schleife über Hochschule\ |
<#assign rowdim=<<Zeilen>> />\ |
<#assign rowfieldname="<<Zeilen>>" />\ |
<#assign coldim=<<Spalten>> />\ |
<#assign colfieldname="<<Spalten>>" />\ |
\ |
<#if rowfieldname!=colfieldname >\ |
\ |
--start Datentabelle\ |
<@selectintotmp \ |
select=fieldclause\ |
source=fromclause\ |
target="tmp_tabelle">\ |
-- nested in selectinto muss die where Bedingung u. ggfs. group by etc kommen\ |
where hs_nr::char(10) in <@printkeys .vars["Hochschule"].allNeededKeys />\ |
and ${whereclause}\ |
/* and abschluss in (<<Abschluss>>) */\ |
/* and hzbart=<<Hochschulzugangsber.>> */\ |
/* and geschlecht = <<Geschlecht>> */\ |
and ${staat_filter}\ |
group by 1,2,3,4,5,6\ |
</@selectintotmp>\ |
<@informixnolog/>;\ |
\ |
\ |
<#assign sortnr=1 />\ |
--Zuerst Summe:\ |
select 1::smallint as ebene ,\ |
${sortnr}::integer as sortnr,\ |
'Summe'::varchar(255) as levelname,\ |
<#if coldim?has_content>\ |
<#foreach col in coldim>\ |
(case when ${colfieldname}='${col.key}' then sum(summe) else 0 end)::${aggrcoltype} as spalte${col.key},\ |
</#foreach>\ |
</#if>\ |
(case when hzbart_astat in ('39','67','17','47','59','79','76','31','51','96','94','95') \ |
and ca12_staat <> 0 then sum(summe) else 0 end)::${aggrcoltype} as summe_ba,\ |
(sum(summe))::${aggrcoltype} as summe\ |
into temp tmp_tabelle2\ |
FROM tmp_tabelle\ |
group by 1,2,3,${colfieldname},hzbart_astat,ca12_staat\ |
;\ |
\ |
--dann Levels:\ |
<#if rowdim?has_content>\ |
<#foreach row in rowdim>\ |
<#assign sortnr=sortnr+1 />\ |
insert into tmp_tabelle2\ |
select 2::smallint as ebene,\ |
${sortnr},\ |
'${row.name}' as levelname,\ |
<#if coldim?has_content>\ |
<#foreach col in coldim>\ |
(case when ${colfieldname}='${col.key}' then sum(summe) else 0 end)::${aggrcoltype} as spalte${col.key},\ |
</#foreach>\ |
</#if>\ |
(case when hzbart_astat in ('39','67','17','47','59','79','76','31','51','96','94','95') \ |
and ca12_staat <> 0 then sum(summe) else 0 end)::${aggrcoltype} as summe_ba,\ |
sum(summe)\ |
FROM tmp_tabelle\ |
where ${rowfieldname}='${row.key}'\ |
group by 1,2,3,${colfieldname},hzbart_astat,ca12_staat\ |
;\ |
</#foreach>\ |
</#if>\ |
\ |
--Aufsummieren:\ |
select ebene ,\ |
sortnr,\ |
levelname,\ |
<#if coldim?has_content>\ |
<#foreach col in coldim>\ |
sum(spalte${col.key})::${aggrcoltype} as spalte${col.key},\ |
</#foreach>\ |
</#if>\ |
sum(summe_ba)::${aggrcoltype} as summe_ba,\ |
sum(summe)::${aggrcoltype} as summe\ |
into temp tmp_tabelle3\ |
FROM tmp_tabelle2\ |
group by 1,2,3\ |
;\ |
\ |
drop table tmp_tabelle;\ |
drop table tmp_tabelle2;\ |
\ |
\ |
select <#if graph_col=="col">\ |
ebene,\ |
<#else>\ |
ebene as level, --bei Grafiken keine Ebenenanzeige\ |
</#if>\ |
<#if graph_col?starts_with("_spark")>\ |
levelname as _categorySpark,\ |
<#else>\ |
levelname,\ |
</#if>\ |
<#if coldim?has_content>\ |
<#foreach col in coldim>\ |
<#if graph_col=="col">\ |
spalte${col.key},\ |
<#elseif graph_col?starts_with("_spark")>\ |
spalte${col.key} as ${graph_col}${col.key},\ |
<#else>\ |
'' || spalte${col.key} || '|' || summe as ${graph_col}${col.key},\ |
</#if>\ |
</#foreach>\ |
</#if>\ |
<#if graph_col=="col">\ |
summe,\ |
summe_ba\ |
<#elseif graph_col?starts_with("_spark")>\ |
summe as ${graph_col}summe,\ |
summe_ba as ${graph_col}summe_ba\ |
<#else>\ |
summe,\ |
'' || summe_ba || '|' || summe as ${graph_col}summe_ba\ |
</#if>\ |
\ |
FROM tmp_tabelle3\ |
ORDER BY sortnr,1,2,3;\ |
<#else>\ |
--Zeilen und Spalten gleich:\ |
select null::integer into temp tmp_tabelle3\ |
from xdummy;\ |
select * from tmp_tabelle3;\ |
</#if>^--Freemarker Template\ |
<sqlvars>\ |
<sqlvar name="jahr" type="hashsequence"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT ord,name,'Jahr'::varchar(255) as dimcaption\ |
from aggregierung\ |
where kategorie='KENN-Jahr'\ |
/* and ord >= <<Jahr von>> */\ |
/* and ord <= <<Jahr bis>> */\ |
order by 1\ |
;\ |
]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="hs_nr" type="hashsequence"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT hs_nr as key,name,'Hochschule'::varchar(255) as dimcaption\ |
from kenn_hochschulen\ |
where hs_nr::char(10) in <@printkeys .vars["Hochschule"].allNeededKeys />\ |
and traegerschaft='ST'\ |
order by 2\ |
;\ |
]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="fgr" type="hashsequence"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT apnr as key,drucktext as name,'Fächergruppe'::varchar(255) as dimcaption\ |
from kenn_dim_fgr\ |
where fg_studierende is not null\ |
order by 2\ |
;\ |
]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
<sqlvar name="abgrp" type="hashsequence"><![CDATA[\ |
SELECT 'BA'::char(1) as key,'Bachelor'::varchar(255) as name,\ |
'Abschlussart'::varchar(255) as dimcaption \ |
from xdummy\ |
union\ |
SELECT 'MA','Master',\ |
'Abschlussart'::varchar(255) as dimcaption from xdummy\ |
union\ |
SELECT 'ST','Staatsexamen',\ |
'Abschlussart'::varchar(255) as dimcaption from xdummy\ |
order by 1\ |
;\ |
]]>\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
</sqlvars>\ |
<#assign coldim=<<Spalten>> />\ |
<#assign colfieldname="<<Spalten>>" />\ |
XIL List\ |
drop_and_delete movable_columns sizable_columns horizontal_scrolling\ |
white_space_color=COLOR_WHITE fixed_columns=1\ |
min_heading_height=35\ |
Column CID=2 heading_text=" Ebene " center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=5 text_size=30\ |
Column CID=2 heading_text=" Name " center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=30 text_size=30\ |
<#if coldim?has_content>\ |
<#foreach col in coldim>\ |
Column CID=3 heading_text=" ${col.dimcaption}\\000${col.name}" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=10 text_size=30\ |
</#foreach>\ |
</#if>\ |
Column CID=3 heading_text="Gesamt" center_heading\ |
row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=10 text_size=30\ |
Column CID=3 heading_text="Darunter\\n\ |
Bildungsausl." center_heading row_selectable col_selectable heading_platform readonly\ |
width=10 text_size=30\ |
@@@^Studienfach^Anzahl bzw. Anteil^Studierende oder Absolvent_innen nach Hochschule, Fächergruppe, Gewichtung^drop table tmp_tabelle3;^^1^850^600^^1^<<SQL>> select 'Bitte wählen Sie unterschiedliche Spalten/Zeilen' from xdummy where '<<Zeilen>>'='<<Spalten>>' union \ |
select 'Gewichtung mit folgenden Faktoren: Abschlüsse grundständiger Studiengänge ohne Staasexamen * 1 + Abschlüsse konsekutiver Master-Studiengänge * 0,5 + Abschlüsse Staatsexamen (inkl. Lehramt) * 1,5' from xdummy where '<<Gewichtung>>'='1'^ |
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
24601^Jahr von^1^300^-1^170^150^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> SELECT ord,name from aggregierung\ |
where kategorie='KENN-Jahr'\ |
order by 1 desc^ ^<<SQL>> SELECT ord,name from aggregierung\ |
where kategorie='KENN-Jahr' and ord=year(today())-1^ |
24603^Abschluss^14^0^0^100^200^5^char^30^0^13^<<SQL>> select astat, dtxt from kenn_abschl_astat where struktur_c='Abschluss (amtlich)' order by 2;^ ^ ^ |
24604^Gewichtung^100^0^0^100^10^1^integer^30^0^13^<<SQL>> select 1,'Ja' from xdummy union select 0,'Nein' from xdummy^ ^<<SQL>> select 0,'Nein' from xdummy^ |
24607^Staatsangehörigkeit^11^0^0^100^120^1^sql^30^0^1^<<SQL>> --Freemarker Template\ |
<sqlvars>\ |
<sqlvar name="sos_staat_eu_exists">\ |
select sp_table_exists('sos_staat_eu') from xdummy;\ |
</sqlvar>\ |
</sqlvars>\ |
select 'A','Alle ohne Deutschland' from xdummy\ |
union select 'I','Deutsch' from xdummy \ |
<#if sos_staat_eu_exists==1>\ |
union select 'EU','EU-Ausländer' from xdummy union select 'NEU','Nicht-EU-Ausländer' from xdummy\ |
</#if>\ |
order by 2;^ ^ ^ |
24609^Hochschule^0^0^0^100^150^1^char^30^0^12^<<SQL>> select tid, type, name from sichten where art in('KENN-Kostenstellen-Sicht','KENN-Hochschulen-Sicht') order by sortnr, name;^ ^ ^ |
24611^Jahr bis^5^0^0^100^70^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> SELECT ord,name from aggregierung\ |
where kategorie='KENN-Jahr'\ |
order by 1 desc^ ^<<SQL>> SELECT ord,name from aggregierung\ |
where kategorie='KENN-Jahr' and ord=year(today())-1^ |
24613^Geschlecht^13^300^-1^170^100^1^integer^30^0^1^<<SQL>> SELECT apnr,druck FROM kenn_geschl order by 2^ ^ ^ |
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ |
24600^24601^ |
24600^24603^ |
24600^24604^ |
24600^24607^ |
24600^24609^ |
24600^24611^ |
24600^24613^ |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
24600^ZSL-Mittelverteilung (Gesamtbericht)^--Wenn Freemarker eingesetzt wird, muss der folgende Kommentar (case insensitive) irgendwo in der Abfrage stehen\ |
--Freemarker Template^--Freemarker Template^Studienfach^Anzahl bzw. Anteil^Studierende oder Absolvent_innen nach Hochschule, Fächergruppe, Gewichtung^ ^^1^850^600^^1^<<SQL>> select 'Bitte wählen Sie unterschiedliche Spalten/Zeilen' from xdummy where '<<Zeilen>>'='<<Spalten>>' union \ |
select 'Gewichtung mit folgenden Faktoren: Abschlüsse grundständiger Studiengänge ohne Staasexamen * 1 + Abschlüsse konsekutiver Master-Studiengänge * 0,5 + Abschlüsse Staatsexamen (inkl. Lehramt) * 1,5' from xdummy where '<<Gewichtung>>'='1'^ |
@ -1,11 +1,14 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
#!/bin/bash |
sx_auto_insert_mask 32560 |
sx_auto_insert_mask 24570 |
sx_auto_insert_mask 32580 |
sx_auto_insert_mask 24600 |
DOSQL kenn_zsl_ausgleich_kennungen_fuellen.sql |
DOSQL kenn_zsl_ausgleich_kennungen_fuellen.sql |
DOSQL makro_masken_fuellen.sql |
DOSQL makro_masken_fuellen.sql |
DOSQL themenbaum_fuellen.sql |
DOSQL themenbaum_fuellen.sql |
DOSQL sx_stylesheets_einfuegen.sql |
@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ |
--Freemarker Template |
--Achtung: Macro fügt Inhalte ein |
--Bitte nur Freemarker Variablen füllen |
<#assign masken = [ |
{"mask":"24570", "filename":"tabelle_html_viz.xsl", "ord":"0"} |
] /> |
<#assign stylesheet = [ |
] /> |
<#assign stylesheet_field = [ |
] /> |
--Hier eventuell notwendige delete's auf die Tabellen sx_mask_style, sx_stylesheets oder stylesheet_field einfügen. |
delete from sx_mask_style where maskeninfo_id=44070; |
--Achtung: ab hier nicht ändern, Mutterdatei ist $SUPERX_DIR/db/module/sos/schluesseltabellen/sx_stylesheets_fuellen.sql |
<@sx_stylesheets_insert |
m_masken=masken |
m_stylesheet=stylesheet |
m_stylesheet_field=stylesheet_field |
/> |
<#macro sx_stylesheets_insert m_masken m_stylesheet m_stylesheet_field> |
--Sicherstellen, dass keine Duplikate vorkommen: |
--#################################################################################################### |
<#foreach column in m_masken> |
delete from sx_mask_style where maskeninfo_id=${column.mask} and stylesheet_id in (select tid from sx_stylesheets where filename ='${column.filename}') and ord=${column.ord}; |
</#foreach> |
<#foreach column in m_stylesheet_field> |
delete from stylesheet_field where stylesheet_id in (select tid from sx_stylesheets where filename ='${column.filename}'); |
</#foreach> |
-- Stylesheets füllen |
--#################################################################################################### |
create temp table tmp_stylesheets ( |
tid serial not null, |
filename CHAR(255) , |
caption CHAR(255) , |
description CHAR(255) , |
relation CHAR(10) , |
useragent CHAR(255) , |
contenttype CHAR(200) , |
is_generic smallint |
); |
create temp table tmp_hilf (tid integer); |
insert into tmp_hilf select max(tid) from sx_stylesheets; |
update tmp_hilf set tid=1 where tid is null; |
<#assign counter_tid = 1 /> |
<#foreach column in m_stylesheet> |
insert into tmp_stylesheets (tid,filename,caption,description,relation,contenttype,is_generic) |
select max(tid)+${counter_tid},'${column.filename}', |
'${column.caption}', |
'${column.description}', |
'${column.relation}', |
'${column.contenttype}', |
${column.is_generic} |
from tmp_hilf; |
<#assign counter_tid = counter_tid + 1 /> |
</#foreach> |
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','is_generic')> |
update sx_stylesheets set is_generic=1 |
where filename in (select T.filename from tmp_stylesheets T where T.is_generic=1); |
</#if> |
--delete für tml_stylesheets hinzugefügt #ak 06.03.2013 |
delete from tmp_stylesheets where filename in (select filename from sx_stylesheets); |
insert into sx_stylesheets (tid, |
filename, caption, description, relation, useragent, contenttype |
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','is_generic')> |
,is_generic |
</#if> |
) |
SELECT tid, filename, caption, description, relation, useragent, contenttype |
<#if TableFieldExists?exists && TableFieldExists('sx_stylesheets','is_generic')> |
,is_generic |
</#if> |
FROM tmp_stylesheets; |
drop table tmp_stylesheets; |
-- Mask Style füllen |
--#################################################################################################### |
create temp table tmp_mask_style ( |
tid serial not null, |
maskeninfo_id INTEGER , |
stylesheet_id INTEGER , |
filename char(255) |
); |
delete from tmp_hilf; |
insert into tmp_hilf select max(tid) from sx_mask_style; |
update tmp_hilf set tid=1 where tid is null; |
<#assign counter_tid = 1 /> |
<#foreach column in m_masken> |
insert into tmp_mask_style (tid,maskeninfo_id,ord,filename) |
select max(tid)+${counter_tid},${column.mask},${column.ord},'${column.filename}' from tmp_hilf; |
update tmp_mask_style set stylesheet_id=(select max(tid) from sx_stylesheets where filename='${column.filename}') |
where filename='${column.filename}'; |
<#assign counter_tid = counter_tid + 1 /> |
</#foreach> |
insert into sx_mask_style ( tid, maskeninfo_id, stylesheet_id, ord) |
SELECT tid, maskeninfo_id, stylesheet_id, ord |
FROM tmp_mask_style; |
drop table tmp_mask_style; |
--Field zu Stylesheet Zuordnungen: |
--#################################################################################################### |
CREATE temp TABLE tmp_stylesheet_field |
( |
tid serial NOT NULL, |
stylesheet_id INTEGER, |
tablename char(255), |
fieldname char(255), |
filename char(255) |
); |
delete from tmp_hilf; |
insert into tmp_hilf select max(tid) from stylesheet_field; |
update tmp_hilf set tid=1 where tid is null; |
<#assign counter_tid = 1 /> |
<#foreach column in m_stylesheet_field> |
INSERT INTO tmp_stylesheet_field (tid, filename, tablename, fieldname) |
select max(tid)+${counter_tid}, '${column.filename}', '${column.tablename}', '${column.fieldname}' from tmp_hilf; |
update tmp_stylesheet_field set stylesheet_id=(select max(tid) from sx_stylesheets where filename='${column.filename}') |
where filename='${column.filename}'; |
<#assign counter_tid = counter_tid + 1 /> |
</#foreach> |
insert into stylesheet_field ( tid, stylesheet_id, tablename, fieldname) |
SELECT tid, stylesheet_id, tablename, fieldname |
FROM tmp_stylesheet_field; |
drop table tmp_stylesheet_field; |
drop table tmp_hilf; |
<#if SQLdialect='Postgres'> |
select sp_update_sequence('sx_stylesheets'); |
select sp_update_sequence('sx_mask_style'); |
select sp_update_sequence('stylesheet_field'); |
</#if> |
</#macro> |
Reference in new issue